Welcome to Unity Skagit Valley. We're so glad you are here.
Read on for more about what it means to be a member of this great community. If you want to skip the fine print and jump straight to membership, apply here.
What is membership?
As you pursue your spiritual path, we encourage you to explore what it means to be committed to living universal truths. Membership in Unity is not required but is encouraged as a way for an individual to commit to their own spiritual growth. Active members attend services regularly, participate in events, invest their time in service to our spiritual community, and financially contribute to Unity Skagit Valley.
Why consider membership?
• Becoming a member confirms to you and your spiritual community that you are committed to living a life of love, abundance and meaning. It affirms a sense of commitment to personal spiritual growth.
• Membership in Unity Skagit Valley says “I Belong!” Many of us arrive at Unity from other traditions, having searched for a place where we feel at home. Through membership, you declare, “This is my spiritual home, and I belong here.”
• Committing to membership is a public affirmation that says, “I walk my talk.” As you deepen your understanding and practice of the positive teachings of Unity, you become a positive example for others.
• Only members can participate in voting on important church matters. You become a part of the growing group of people who are living consciously and actively making a difference in the world.
Who can join?
Everyone is welcome to join our spiritual community. If you have enjoyed our services and would like to participate more fully in our community while on your spiritual journey, we welcome you to join our membership. Joining us online? We welcome you to join us in spirit as we support your spiritual path.
What are the responsibilities of membership?
As part of our membership, we ask that you honor our sacred space and community and, where possible, with your time, energy, thought, prayer, service, and loving donations that make our community possible. This responsibility looks different for everyone, and we honor and respect all physical and spiritual contributions to our community as necessary for our continued growth and existence.
Do I have to join?
No. You are always welcome in the warm and loving spirit of Unity and to all of the services that we provide.
What if I'm already a member at another Unity?
No problem! No matter your other associations, you are always welcome to join our membership. There are no rules prohibiting you from participating in multiple communities throughout Unity.
Okay, how do I become a member?
We hold a beautiful and affirming New and Recommitting Membership Ceremony once a year. Upcoming dates are shared through our newsletter and website. To prepare for your new membership, please download, print, and fill out our New Member Application here or fill it out online here.
Do I have to wait for the New Member Ceremony to become a member?
No, we understand that not everyone is able to join us for our New and Recommitting Membership Ceremony. Membership is open throughout the year and available to both our local and online communities. Just fill out our New Member Form and return it to us in person or email us a copy at [email protected].