Events & Activities

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Take our short survey and help guide and inform Unity Skagit Valley in developing future classes, activities, and educational opportunities.

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The Spirituality of Age

Join our very own Reverend Linda for a thoughtful new class series in exploring our full spiritual potential as we engage with difficult questions about loss, meaning, and mortality and how we can move from fears about aging into a fuller, richer appreciation of the next phase of our lives.

No book purchase is necessary.

Meets weekly online, Tuesdays, 11 - 12:30 am - July 30th through September 17th.

Love offerings are encouraged.

Contact Rev Linda at [email protected] for more info.

Join now on Zoom
See upcoming dates

World Day of Prayer 2024

Mark your calendar and get excited for this years World Day of Prayer!

September 11th - 12th.

Stay tuned for more info as the dates draw near or click below to learn more..

Learn more here

Tame Your Tech

Tech got you stumped? We hear you.

Join us in an informal group setting as we work through common challenges and learn new skills.
Phones, tablets, and laptops are welcome.*

Will resume in the fall.

Love offerings encouraged.

Private sessions are available.
Contact [email protected] for more info.

*Classes geared towards Apple products but PC users always welcome.

See upcoming dates

Prayer Team

Prayer is vital to who we are here at Unity Skagit Valley. Join us in honoring and supporting the prayers of others through the amazing work of our Prayer Team.

Meets monthly on Tuesdays, in our sanctuary.

Email the Prayer Team

USV Men's Group

Hosted by Unity Skagit Valley, join a positive, supportive group of like-minded men on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Men looking for companions on the search for truth” are welcome.

For more information, email [email protected].

Meets monthly, in our sanctuary.

Upcoming dates

Community Potlucks

Bring your family! Bring your Friends! Bring the food! Enjoy community and connection over food and fun.

Last Sunday of the month, 12:30 pm,
in our sanctuary

Upcoming dates

Sunday Services

Join us every Sunday for thought-provoking topics, music, meditation, and spiritual community.

Enjoy special services throughout the year.

Sunday mornings at 11 am, in our sanctuary

Calendar of events

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